Requests for Proposals

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) is now accepting program proposals for the in-person 12th Annual oSTEM Conference 2022.

Successful programs will touch on oSTEM’s mission statement and also incorporate our core values: integrity, intentionality, respect, passion, and grit.

Our Request for Proposals is open! Submit your program today!

Submit a Proposal

Submission Milestones

  • Monday, May 30: Request for programming released
  • Wednesday, August 10: Deadline for Submissions
  • Friday, August 26: Acceptance Notifications

Program Topics

Presentations will be required to select from the following categories: (1) Technical Expertise, (2) Leader Development, (3) Intersectionality and Identity, (4) Career and Professional Development, and (5) Other Relevant Topics. New this year we are offering a 'AI, ML & Emerging Technologies' track! Example session topics that would fit in each category are provided in the bullets below each category.

Technical Expertise

  • Presenting case studies on common pitfalls or errors and solutions
  • Address upcoming challenges or novel applications
  • In depth research presentation

AI, ML & Emerging Technologies

  • How to use and apply AI/ML to various STEM disciplines
  • Ethics in AI/ML training set selections
  • Strategies for gender-inclusive language reform

Leader Development

  • Tools and resources for developing student programming on campus
  • Identifying leadership strengths and weaknesses
  • Team building activities and applications

Intersectionality and Identity

  • How gender, race, and sexual orientation affect day-to-day interactions
  • Developing an understanding of how different identities shape individuals

Career and Professional Development

  • Finding and connecting with queer mentors and/or mentees
  • Enhancing queer experiences in the workplace
  • Creating cover letters and/or resumes

Other Relevant Topics

  • Queer wellness topics
  • Transitioning in the workplace

Presentation Format

There are two options for Program Submissions:

  • Workshop: We define a workshop as 1-2 speakers presenting on a program topic. All workshops are expected to be 60 minutes, a 50 minute presentation with 10 minutes for Q&A at the end of the session.

  • Panel: We define a panel as 3-6 speakers that each contribute a unique perspective on a similar topic. Panels can be collaborative across different universities, companies, and industries depending on the topic. Members participating in the discussion are expected to be part of a live discussion.

  • Lightning Talk: We define a lighting talk as an individual giving a quick introduction to pique interest in a specific STEM or LGBT+ related topic. This may be a resource you have found interesting or an issue that future STEM professionals could investigate. These talks will be 8 minutes long with 2 minutes for questions. This is an excellent opportunity to give an oral presentation if a 50 minute presentation is beyond the scope of your topic!

Proposal Components

Program selection for our conference is highly competitive. Please follow the guidelines that have been outlined belew to improve your chances of being selected. When designing your proposal, please keep in mind that interactive activities/presentations or panel discussions will occur live between 8 AM and 2 PM PDT. Program assessment will not be provided by oSTEM.

  • Session Title (5%): Clearly able to identify program topic and how this relates to the oSTEM mission (20 words max).

  • Abstract for Program Book (10%): Succinct description of the goals of the workshop and what participants will learn by attending (5%)

  • What is the value of this workshop to the LGBTQ+ STEM Community? (25%) Value is described and fully justified. Relevance to LGBTQ+ and STEM communities is included. What makes this program unique to this conference? (500 words max)

  • How will the proposed program engage the audience? (20%) Activities/Strategies for engagement are fully explained. How engagement with the audience will supplement the presentation or panel is included. (300 words max)

  • Specific workshop outline OR specific panel topics / What qualifications do you have to speak on your proposed topic? (25%)

    • For workshops, give the outline for your presentation, approximating the amount of time spent on each question/topic (e.g., 20 minute talk on Topic X, 10 minutes of discussion, 10 minutes of questions, etc.).
    • For panels, give specific questions that your panel will be discussing and how these questions support the proposed topic.
    • For Lightning Talks, give evidence for why you are qualified to speak on your proposed topic (i.e. experience, exposure, publications, ect.).
  • Presenter identity & experiences match the proposed topic (15%): Presenter(s) demonstrate a basis of knowledge for this proposed program. Consistency between presented topic, value to LGBTQ+ community, and STEM.

In addition to the criteria above, please ensure you have provided the following information:

  • Is this session intended for a specific community only? If so, specify.
  • Please describe any additional technical services you may need.
  • For each presenter, please provide a name, contact information, demographic information, a headshot, and a short biography.

NOTE: If you are unable to access the submission form due to technical issues please contact for approval to send a document or email submission.

Additional Information

For more information about the conference visit

For more information about oSTEM visit

Please email our Conference Programming Committee at with any questions.

For inquiries regarding available conference accommodations or to request this document in an accessible format, please contact the Conference Accessiblity Team at